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When doing placement, we are a free service to families. We get paid by the industry providers when a family moves to a community similar to a realtor or headhunter with a finders fee. Our team of Senior Care Counselors are not based on commission, which ensures we assist families in finding the best options based on their care needs, location & budget. We get many calls for families just getting started, who have lots of questions that we never get paid for. We want to make sure whoever calls us, that they are confident in the direction they need to take for their loved one. In general, when someone hires us to do geriatric care management and/or consulting, separate from placement, it is $125/hr. For example, if they need more of a home visit, family plan, scheduling, assistance with filing for Long Term Care insurance, VA Benefits, etc.
If you would like to make a donation to the team so we can remain a free service to families it would be most appreciated and any google, yelp or facebook review is helpful so more families know about us.
Your donation enables us to continue to be a free service to families in helping them find senior living care in Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Personal Care Homes and Home Care. As well as provide services for our pro-bono families needing care who have limited access to resources. Please donate to help us with our mission in assisting families in times of crisis.
